英文俗名:Shaggy Crayfish
拉丁學名:Procambarus hirsutus
Contributor (2005): Jennifer Price Reviewed & Edited (2012): William Poly (擷取部分資料PO出)
Taxonomy and Basic Description
The body of Procambarus hirsutus is dark brown with bright orange mottlings. The chelae are brownish orange with black tubercles on the upper surface, and lighter tubercles on the lower surface. The rostrum of this species has marginal spines and is covered in the dense hairs at the base of the acumen that give the species its name; “hirsutus” means “shaggy” in Latin. The holotypic male measured 68.4 mm (2.7 inches) in length, while the allotypic female and morphotypic male were slightly smaller (Hobbs 1958).
Population Distribution And Size
P. hirsutus is endemic to South Carolina and has been found in the Santee, Edisto, Salkahatchie and Savannah River basins in Aiken, Allendale, Bamberg, Barnwell, Calhoun, Lexington, Colleton, Orangeburg, and Hampton Counties (Hobbs 1958, SCDNR stream assessment data). During stream surveys (2006–2011) it was abundant at about half of the sites where it occurred.
Habitat And Natural Community Requirements
Procambarus hirsutus is found in clear streams with good flow (Hobbs 1989, W. Poly pers. obs.). Little else is known about its habitat requirements.